This website contains general information about the law practice of Robert A. Murtha, Jr. and about certain immigration issues. We do not and cannot guarantee that all the information found on this site is complete or up-to-date, as state and federal laws change regularly.

Readers must not rely on the general information provided here as legal advice. You should always seek the advice of competent counsel before taking any legal steps in your immigration case. We suggest that you do not pursue any immigration matters without first consulting an attorney.

This website links to information on other websites. Our office feels that linked-to information may be helpful to readers, but we do not and cannot endorse or take responsibility for any information found through the use of those links.

This website does not invite or create an attorney-client relationship. There is no such relationship between you and the law office of Robert A. Murtha, Jr. until an engagement letter is signed by both parties and a retainer fee is paid.